Energy Storage India (ESI) 2018, organized a day-long innovation tour for industry pioneers to showcase solutions in energy storage, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, advanced batteries, clean and solar energy.
The ESI 2018 threw light on the next steps in the implementation of India’s ambitious Energy Storage Mission and Electric Transportation Solutions, with its first stop at ACME. ACME showcased its first battery swapping and battery charging station for electric vehicles. The revolutionary multiple vehicles (bus, car, auto) charging solution is seen as a boon for the country’s EV journey.
The next highlight of the tour was the hands-on-experience of the smart mini-grid system, rooftop system, and manufacturing facility of biomass gasifiers at TERI Institute. TERI’s smart mini-grid system is an intelligent electricity distribution network based on renewable energy and optimises the use of multiple energy resources - solar, wind, biomass, and diesel, to meet different loads on the campus in a reliable and cost-effective manner.
The tour’s final destination was a visit to Tiger Power’s demonstration project ‘Sunfold’ (Energy in a box), solar system integrated with built-in lead crystal batteries at the National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), Gurgaon.
The tour was a precursor to the 5th International Conference & Expo on Energy Storage and Micro-grids that will be held at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on January 11 and 12.
Dr. Rahul Walawalkar, Executive Director, Indian Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) said ESI’s knowledge sharing platform can facilitate the leap towards the country’s long-term objective of going electric. “India is aggressively adopting electric and solar alternatives for energy consumption. The transportation industry needs to collaborate especially with the progressive outlook of the Indian government towards 100 % electrification of Indian railways by 2021 and electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030.”