Increasing the penetration of wind and solar energy in the grid required development and use of electricity energy storage technologies and hybrid solutions for storage and grid stability, to make renewable power more firm and reliable. The world over electrical storage systems are being developed to provide ancillary services such as grid frequency regulation, voltage support and operating reserves, thereby enhancing grid stability and reliability. The current research and technology demonstration is focused towards developing cost-effective energy storage technologies that could take care of infirm power from renewable energy sources, especially wind and solar installations. In India large scale (MW scale) storage has to be developed and demonstrated. There are success examples of pumped hydro storage and small solar thermal storages which are already implemented.
In the aforesaid context, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has constituted a standing committee on energy storage and hybrid solutions to explore solutions for renewable integration challenges in India. IESA has been invited to join the committee as a member and Dr. Rahul Walawalkar, Executive Director IESA is in the panel as expert to contribute to the standing committee.
Source: Ministry of New & Renewable Energy(MNRE), Govt. of India