India Energy Storage Alliance has been invited to demonstrate latest Energy Storage Solutions at Innovation Showcase Pavilion at Clean Energy Ministerial on 17th-18th April in New Delhi. Participants of the 2nd IESA Technical Tour will be available to discuss their experiences and case studies at the CEM on 17th. IESA will also release the latest India Market Assessment for Energy Storage with outlook till 2020.

An Innovation Showcase Pavilion (ISP) will highlight and exhibit innovative products and services that can accelerate the global deployment of clean energy. The ISP will be inaugurated on the evening of 16 April with Dr. Farooq Abdullah, India's Minister of New and Renewable Energy, and U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu presiding over a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The ISP will continue through the afternoon of 18 April.

Energy ministers and other high-level delegates from more than 20 of the world's leading economies will gather in New Delhi, India, on 17-18 April for the fourth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM4). The ministers will collaborate to identify tangible steps that each government can take to generate more rapid progress toward CEM's overall goal--accelerating the transition to a global clean energy economy.

The CEM is the only regular meeting of energy ministers at which they exclusively discuss clean energy. The participating governments represent 90% of global clean energy investment and 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The Deputy Chairman of India's Planning Commission, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, will co-chair the event with U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu. Other ministers confirmed to be in attendance include Minister Wan Gang from China's Ministry of Science and Technology; Minister Greg Barker from the United Kingdom's Department of Energy and Climate Change; Minister Martin Lidegaard from Denmark's Ministry of Climate, Energy and Buildings; and Minister Elizabeth Dipuo Peters from South Africa's Department of Energy.

The discussions will focus on identifying smart policies, programs, and innovative strategies to increase energy efficiency, enhance clean energy supply, and expand energy access. It is expected that new commitments to advance those goals from participating governments and from the year-round work that has taken place through some of the 13 CEM initiatives will also be announced at the end of the two days.

A scene-setter on the first day will feature comments from the Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh. The International Energy Agency (IEA) will also release the 2013 version of its Tracking Clean Energy Progress report during CEM4. The scene-setter will include a presentation from the IEA on the report's findings as well as a set of recommendations for ministers. Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) will also give a public presentation to ministers on the status of clean energy investment trends around the world.

The Clean Energy Ministerial recognizes the essential role of the private sector in leveraging its expertise, influence, and capital toward clean energy goals. To capture private-sector input, six high-level public-private roundtables will be convened at CEM4 on the following topics:

-- Business Innovation to Reduce Soft Costs and Accelerate Deployment of Solar PV

-- Accelerating the Global Adoption of Clean Vehicles

-- Power Market Evolution in Emerging Economies

-- Intersection of Policy and Finance for Renewables

-- Large-Scale Adoption of Energy Management Systems

-- Market Barriers to Mini-Grid Development

The roundtables will bring together energy ministers, business leaders, and experts from nongovernmental organizations and academia to further identify the policies, technologies, investment, and skills needed to advance the six topic areas. Reports on the outcomes of the roundtables will be published in the weeks following CEM4.

A CEM4 press conference will take place on 18 April to announce major outcomes from the event.
