The California Energy Storage Alliance conducted its two day annual market development forum on January 23 and 24 2013 at Berkeley, California. These sessions were attended by Aditya Jammi, Director - IESA.Â
A pre-conference workshop was conducted on both Storage value proposition analysis and on CAISO markets. The session on CAISO markets was conducted by Jacqueline De Rosa, Director of regulatory affairs, CA, Customized Energy Solutions. This interactive session was followed by CESA general member meeting, where the current status of EES in California and the way forward were discussed.Â
The next day saw a lot of sessions addressing various issues in ES which included Role of energy storage in California's clean energy future, potential new funding sources for energy storage from proposal 39 and California's carbon auction, Implementing AB 2514 at the CPUC and the4 storage OIR staff report: A model for multi party engagement - what to expect near term and how to effectively engage going forward. The afternoon sessions were panel discussions where eminent thought leaders in the storage arena discussed Ecosystem dynamics: CAISO's role in planning, markets, reliability and renewables, Bulk and generation sited storage, Applications of distributed level storage, Behind the meter storage, and also a presentation by California Energy Commission focusing on how research and development is addressing California's future need for energy storage.Â
A dinner was hosted where the keynote speakers included Mike Florio, Commissioner, CPUC and Nancy Skinner, Assembly Member, who spoke on realizing the goals of AB 2514
IESA @ CESA 2013 Annual market development forum
23rd Jan 2013