Soon it will be easy for enforcement agencies to identify whether a vehicle is running on diesel or petrol as the government will assign colour codes for each category of vehicle. There is also a plan to put the year of registration on the front windshield, which will help authorities to spot vehicles that are not allowed to ply on roads in Delhi.

The plan has been prepared after Supreme Court’s amicus curiae during a hearing on Delhi’s pollution suggested stickers can be pasted to indicate if the vehicle is diesel, electric, hydrogen, hybrid or BS-VI or BS-V compliant.

There have been reports of thousands of vehicles plying on Delhi roads violating the ban. Currently, diesel vehicles of more than 10 years and petrol ones of more than 15 years are not allowed to ply on roads in Delhi since such renewal of their registration has been stopped due to court orders.

Sources said it becomes virtually impossible for enforcement agencies to stop each vehicle and check their papers to find whether these are more than the age set by the courts.

Last year Paris had introduced the new colour-coded sticker scheme to restrict car use in its attempt to curb air pollution. Taking note of the suggestion of colour codes by amicus curiae Aparajita Singh, the Supreme Court had said, “The learned ASG and counsel for SIAM submit that they would like to have a look into this. Prima facie, it appears to learned counsel for SIAM that the suggestion is workable. ”

Centre will submit its views on this when the case comes for hearing next week.
