NTPC Ltd. has invited online applications from bidders to enlist for its wind energy projects in India.

The scope of work includes the detailed design, engineering, micro-siting, manufacture, supply, erection, testing, commissioning, and proving the guaranteed performance parameters for the installation of the offered wind farm including wind turbine generators (WTGs), control panels, reactive power compensating  devices, central  monitoring and control system (CMCS), wind monitoring mast(s) among others.

Also, the bidders are supposed to offer comprehensive operation and maintenance services for these projects. The last date of application for enlistment is February 27, 2019.

To be technically eligible to participate, a bidder should have manufactured, supplied, erected, and commissioned (or supervised commissioning) wind turbine generator with a minimum rating of 1,500 kW. The generator should have been listed in the revised list of models and manufacturers of the National Institute of Wind Energy or the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and should have been in successful operation for at least one year before the date of techno-commercial bid opening.

The bidder should also have designed, erected, and commissioned at least one wind farm with a total installed capacity of 10 MW along with its associated civil and electrical works.

In November 2018, NTPC announced that it was going to procure 1,000 MW of renewable energy on a short-term basis.

Recently, Mercom reported on the news of Solar Energy Corporation of India Ltd. (SECI) issuing three tenders for the expansion of renewable capacity in the country. The first tender is for setting up of 1,200 MW of ISTS-connected wind power projects (tranche-VII) on a pan-India basis.

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