‘India’s resource position dictates a long-term need on non-fossil energy development’

: Noted nuclear scientist and former chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission Anil Kakodkar has called upon the scientific community to refocus their research and development (R&;D) in solar energy.

Delivering the Dr. P.K.. Iyengar Memorial Lecture at the 28th Kerala Science Congress at the Calicut University on Thursday, Dr. Kakodkar said there was a crying need to change the country’s focus in energy development.

According to him, India’s resource position dictates a long-term need on non-fossil energy development. “We must work to minimise the investment for energy storage,” he said, calling upon the scientists to practise solar thermal power on a large scale.

Kerala scientists

Delivering the Dr. P.R. Pisharoty Memorial Lecture, renowned astrophysicist and former director of the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, Ajit Kembhavi praised the contributions of Keralite scientists in mathematics. He widely touched upon telescopes and remote sensing technologies.

Presiding over a thematic session in which four senior scientists presented their papers on climate change and its impact on water resources in Kerala, CWRDM Research Council chairman E.J. James said Kerala had failed miserably in protecting its wetlands. “Time and again we asked the State government to do something for our wetlands. It did nothing,” he said, calling upon young scientists to fight for the protection of wetlands in Kerala. That the State government has won no case it fought against wetland degradation was indicative of the government’s attitude, he said.

Jose Kallarackal, emeritus scientist at the Kerala Forest Research Institute, said the change in peoples consumerism and lifestyle’habits was needed to reduce carbon emission. Planting of saplings alone will not help. We need to change our lifestyle,” he said.

T.I. Eldho, Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai; G.S.L.H.V. Prasada Rao, consultant at Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University; and E.J. Joseph, scientist at CWRDM; presented papers on the focal theme.

CWRDM executive director N.B. Narasimha Prasad was the co-chairman at the session. Scientist C.M. Sushanth welcomed the gathering.

(This news story is from The Hindu)

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