A revision to the framework agreement on the establishment of the International Solar Alliance came into force previously this month that will facilitate member states of the UN to join the alliance, comprising those beyond the tropics, the Ministry of External Affairs said. The ISA was launched cooperatively by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the then President of France Francois Hollande during COP21 in Paris in November 2015.

It aims to contribute to the execution of the Paris Climate Agreement through rapid and massive deployment of solar energy.

To date, a total of 87 countries have contracted the framework agreement of the ISA, and 67 of them have deposited their instruments of sanction.

For accomplishing the universalization of the membership of the ISA beyond the tropics, the first General Assembly of the alliance held on October 3, 2018, had approved the amendment to the framework agreement on its establishment to expand the scope of membership to all member states of the United Nations.

"After the necessary ratifications/approvals/acceptances were acquired from the requisite number of ISA member countries as authorized by the framework agreement of the ISA, the said amendment has entered into force on July 15, 2020," the ministry said in a declaration.

"The coming into force of the amendment of the ISA Framework Agreement will now permit all the Member States of the United Nations to join the International Solar Alliance, comprising those beyond the Tropics," it said.

The ISA aims to bring together countries to deliver a mutual response to the main common impediments to the massive deployment of solar energy in terms of technology, finance, and capacity.
