The Department of Heavy Industries (DHI), under the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, has issued an Expression of Interest inviting proposals for availing incentives under FAME [Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India] Scheme ,Phase II for the deployment of EV charging infrastructure on highways/ expressways.
This EOI has invited proposals from any government organization/PSU (State/Central) Govt DISCOM/ Oil PSU and similar other public/private entities to build and operate public EV charging infrastructure on major highways/expressways, the official notice stated.
The notice further clarified that the charging stations will be considered for sanction to different entities after evaluation of the proposals received under the EOI.
The details of the installation of charging stations for the following Highways/Expressways to be built and operated by entities are as given below:
The proposal clarified the type of EV chargers mandatory and optional to be installed at each charging station:
It further noted that at least one charging station comprising of at least one CCS II (minimum 50 KW charger an one DC001 (15KW) and at least one charging station comprising of at least one CHAdeMO (minimum 50 KW) charger and one DC001 (15KW) is to be installed in each interval of four charging stations.
For long range/ heavy-duty EV charger, it noted that at least one charger of minimum 100kW (200-750 V or higher) each of different specification if more than one (CCS/ CHAdeMO) or any fast charger as approved by DST/BIS for above capacity) with single connector gun to be installed after each three charging stations.
For entities interested in submitting the proposal under EOI, the proposal details the following requirements:
- The installation of minimum 50KW (minimum) fast chargers and 15 KW Bharat DC-001 charger is mandatory at each location proposed by the entity, however, installation of 10 KW Bharat AC 001 and 22KW Type 2 AC charger is optional.
- Each entity shall install at least one charging station at every 25 km on both sides of the highway and also at least one charging station for long-range/ heavy-duty EVs at every 100 km on both sides of the highway.
- Entities shall conduct a locational assessment survey and identify feasible locations/stretches along the identified highways to step up charging stations.
- Entities may submit their proposal in a consortium which may have a maximum of four members and a lead member will have to identified who may a Govt organization/PSU/DISCOM/Oil PSU or a private entity.
- The demand incentive available from DHI under FAME India Scheme Phase II is 70 percent of the cost of EVSE.
- Where feasible, charging stations may be connected with renewable energy sources of required capacity.
As for the selection procedure:
- DHI will form a screening committee for evaluation of the proposals submitted by the entities under the chairmanship of joint secretary, DHI with members from NITI Aayog, Ministry of Power, Automotive Research Association of India, and Bureau of Energy Efficiency, etc.
- Entities will be required to submit the proposal for the full stretch of a highway
- The proposal shall be evaluated based on the information provided and the criteria of the financial status of the entity and capability.
- The top 3 entities of each highway are to be empaneled for Stage II – the final selection stage. The empaneled entities for each highway will be given an 8-week time to conduct a locational assessment with GPS coordinates.
Incentives applicable will be decided based on the price of the charging equipment and indicated in the supply order issued by the entities.