Dr. Sanjoy Banerjee is a CUNY distinguished professor of chemical engineering and director of the CUNY Energy Institute, whose headquarters is at The City College of New York. The author of more than 190 articles, book chapters and refereed conference proceedings and the holder of four patents, until March 2008 Banerjee was professor abovescale in the chemical engineering department, with joint appointments in the mechanical engineering department and the Bren School of Environmental Science, at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Banerjee was vice chair of chemical engineering from 1982-84, chair from 1984-90 and is largely responsible for bringing the UCSB chemical engineering department into the top 10 in the country. Previously, he held appointments at the University of California, Berkeley, McMaster University in Canada and Atomic Energy of Canada, ultimately serving as its acting director of applied science. He is a member of the U.S. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, which is congressionally mandated to maintain oversight over nuclear power. He also is on the Reference Board of the Norwegian Govt.-Oil Industry Consortium for Oil-Gas Flow Assurance Project. Banerjee also helped to establish several companies based on research collaborations, including Metaheuristics LLC, Mindflash Technologies and Gas Reaction Technologies Inc. Banerjee also has served or serves as a consultant to several oil companies, including ExxonMobile (Houston), Shell (Amsterdam), Statoil (Stavanger), Det Norske Veritas (Oslo), Reliance (Mumbai) and ENI (Milano), as well as many chemical/pharma companies, including Hoffmann LaRoche, Novartis and Novo Nordisk (Denmark). He holds a BS in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology and a PhD from the University of Waterloo in Canada.
Dr. Sanjoy Banerjee
CUNY Energy Institute, City College of New York (Researcher)