Designation: Former Director
Company: Solar Energy Centre (Policy Maker)

Dr. Bibek Bandyopadhyay is a well recognised expert in the field of Solar Energy. After earning his PhD in solid state physics from Delhi University, he started his work in solar energy in 1980 at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. From 1982 onwards, he served at the Department of Science and Technology and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India for more than three decades. As a science administrator, he handled a number of national and international programs related to new and renewable energy in general and solar energy in particular. As one of the senior most Advisers of the Ministry, Dr. Bandyopadhyay was associated in the formulation and implementation of the National Solar Mission- a bold initiative of the Government to promote solar energy as a part of the National Action Plan on Climate Change. He was also involved in promoting hydrogen and fuel cells as an emerging technology in the country. In addition to his role as a Senior Adviser at MNRE, Dr Bandyopadhyay served as the Director of Solar Energy Centre, an institute of the Ministry, from 2005 till his superannuation in August 2013. Dr. Bandyopadhyay contributed immensely towards develop-ing the Centre as a vibrant organisation of international repute. The Centre has since been converted as the National institute of Solar Energy (NISE). Dr. Bandyopadhyay has authored a few books and a number of research papers. He has lectured extensively as a guest faculty in the country and abroad. He served as a Guest Editor for the international journal entitled ‘Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells’ for its PVSEC 18 issue, and also on the editorial board of the ‘Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences’ during 2010-14. He currently serves as an associate editor of three international journals: ‘Solar Energy’, ‘Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews’ and ‘International Journal of Environment’. After his superannuation from Government of India service, Dr. Bandyopadhyay has been engaged in teaching & research, and also in advisory services in the technical and policy space. In addition, he is asso-ciated with a number of national and international Committees related to emerging energy technologies. He is also in the Board of Directors of West Bengal Green Energy Development Corporation Ltd.

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