Rahul is involved in providing inputs for demand response, energy storage & smart grid policy to government agencies in US and India as well as has provided inputs to multilateral agencies such as IRENA, IEA & ADB. He has served as an expert evaluator for US Department of Energy for various smart grid and energy storage demonstration projects in US during 2009-12.
In 2012, Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) nominated him as chairperson of working group on Integrating Renewable Energy Sources, Micro-Grids and Energy Storage as part of Smart Grid Coordination Committee. In June 2013, he was also nominated as member of national taskforce for integration of Electricity from renewable energy sources in the Grid during the 12th Plan by Central Electricity Authority & Ministry of Power. In May 2014, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) nominated him on the standing committee for energy storage and hybrids.
Rahul has been a speaker in 100+ international conferences during the last decade and has also authored 5 book chapters on topics covering energy efficiency, demand response and energy storage. Rahul has obtained Smart Grid Maturity Model (SGMM) Navigator certification from Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University and also a Masters in Energy Management from New York Institute of Technology, having obtained his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli.
Rahul is President and Managing Director of Customized Energy Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. and leads the Emerging Technologies practice for Customized Energy Solutions globally with focus on energy storage, renewables, demand response and smart grid technologies as well as international markets. He is also founder and Executive Director for India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA). He served as member of the Board of Directors of Energy Storage Association (ESA) in US during 2009-15 and was elected as Secretory in 2013. He was elected as Vice Chair for Global Energy Storage Alliance (GESA) in 2014.