About The Organisation

I-EM provides advanced analytics-powered solutions for intelligent smart grid energy management, enabling optimal decision making through satellite data utilisation. Its mission is to allow energy players, including end-users, to make the best decisions by providing awareness of the activities on the grid and its elements in real-time. i-EM SAT provide innovative solutions for intelligent energy management using satellite data fusion and big data analytics. The main application sectors are: smart grid management, electric vehicles mobility, energy forecasting, renewable plants monitoring, solar resources management and battery storage.


SOLUTIONS: <br />We provide renewable software services for all players in the energy chain. These include;<br /> <ul> <li>PV Monitoring</li> <li>Forecasting for PV and Wind</li> <li>Predictive Maintenance solutions for PV, Wind and Hydro Plants</li> <li>Micro and Smart Grid</li> <li>E-Mobility</li> </ul> <br />We are also looking for partners in India to help promote our existing products and to develop new services.


Microgrid Companies

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