Open webinar on India’s Electricity market to manage your energy portfolio & Real Time Market (RTM)
With reduced demand on Indian grid, few fundamental sectors are still up and running, serving the society with hospitals, healthcare centers, pharma companies etc. IEX (India Energy Exchange) is assuring availability of it’s market platform for purchasing energy during this unprecedented time. Few utilities have backed down their expensive thermal generators and are purchasing energy from IEX to manage & optimize their power procurement cost. The average daily price on IEX is around Rs. 2.15/unit since the lockdown. Understand the current scenarios of Energy market mechanism including day ahead & term ahead markets of India. Know how commercial & industrial consumers can save on energy procurement cost by participating on IEX in long term. Get insights of real time energy market & how DISCOM' s can manage their deviation under DSM regulations by participating on RTM (Real Time Market) starting from 1st June. Know the plan of IEX for introducing RE Power trading. Find out if market energy rates can provide energy arbitrage opportunity for energy storage systems.
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