Tenders are invited from adequately experienced OEM / Bus Operator / Bus Aggregators / Financial Institutions for supply and operation of FULLY BUILT PURE ELECTRIC BUSES ON GROSS COST CONTRACT BASIS.
OEM shall be a registered Bus Manufacturer having experience in the manufacturing of Electric Bus and delivery of at least 10 electric buses for the past three (3) financial years immediately proceeding the bid due date. The proof for the same should be enclosed.
Bus Operator shall have experience in operation of at least 50 Electric/Diesel/CNG fuelled Buses over the past three (3) Financial Years immediately preceding the Bid Due Date. Otherwise tender will be summarily rejected.
9M AC e-bus:
Battery pack size to be of minimum capacity of 320 to 370 kW hr. 2. Maximum 120 minutes of opportunity charging in the day time will be provided, apart from the night time charging as per route schedules. 3. 3. The battery shall be advanced Li-ion batteries as per AIS 048.
Rated Power: 130 kW minimum
12 M AC bus:
320-370 kWh battery pack
Maximum 120 minutes of opportunity charging in the day time will be provided, apart from the night time charging as per route schedules
Rated power: 130Kw