Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) has issued the tender for Supply, Installation and commissioning of 980 Nos. (12V, 75AH) and 352 Nos. (12V, 65AH) SMF Batteries for 6 KVA & 2 KVA UPS installed in SDO offices and Other Offices respectively and 68 no. (12V, 26AH) SMF batteries for 20KVA UPS installed at DC and 468 Nos. (12V,7AH) for UPS 600 VA installed in SDO offices, Other Offices, Call Center and Data Center Hisar under RAPDRP Part-A (IT) project in DHBVN.
Project details:
- Battery Type – SMF lead Acid Batteries.
- Quantity - 980 Nos. (12V & 75AH), 352 Nos. (12V & 65AH), 68 no. (12V & 26AH) and 468 Nos. (12V & 7AH).
- Last Date – 4th May 2020.