MEDA has issued the tender for survey, design, fabrication, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of total 7 KW (1 KW each site) grid connected solar pv power plant with battery backup (hybrid system) for 4 HRS under roof-top net metering, at 7 nos of health sub-center and total 45 KW (1 KW each site) off grid solar PV power plant with battery backup for 3 HRS at 45 nos of Anganwadi In Tal. Hingna, District Nagpur, Maharashtra With Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For 5 Years.
Battery –
- The batteries shall be solar photovoltaic batteries of Lithium Ferro Phosphate (LiFePO4) with appropriate container and stand.
- DoD – 90% with Life Cycle – 4000 – 5000.
Pre Bid – Meeting – 17.12.2020
Last date to Bid – 21.12.2020