Discussion points:
- IESA Policy Working group, Chair, Co-Chair Nomination Open
- IESA recommendations to MNRE on Draft Hydrogen Policy Mission
- Submission of IESA recommendations on Karnataka Draft RE Policy to KREDL
- IESA Policy Advocacy efforts and their updates:
- Meeting with Shri Sudhendu J Sinha, Adviser, Niti Aayog
- Meeting with RIICO (Rajasthan Industrial Development) officials
- Meeting with BEE offcials
- Meeting with DHI officials
- Appointment of Dr. Rahul Walawalkar as part of CERC Central Advisory Committee
- Policy Updates:
- DPIIT: Clarification for local content calculation PPP-MII Order
- MoRTH: Vehicle Scrapping Policy
- Rajasthan Discussion Paper on Framework For Large Scale Integration of Renewable Energy using Energy
- Storage Systems and its impact on Tariffs
- MOP Notification to notify Central Transmission Utility of lndia Limited, a Government Company as the
- 'Central Transmission Utility' and POWERGRID as 'Deemed Licensee' under Electricity Act.
- Amendments to Solar, Wind, and Hybrid Policies in Andhra Pradesh
- Extension of Pilot on Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED)